Midis de l’IÉAM–conférence de Roberto Casazza–8 novembre 2021

Midis de l’IÉAM–conférence de Roberto Casazza–8 novembre 2021

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, 

​Il nous fait plaisir de vous inviter au prochain Midi de l’Institut d’études anciennes et médiévales de l’automne 2021. Nous aurons le plaisir d’entendre Monsieur Roberto Casazza, professeur  de philosophie du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance à l’Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentine). Ses recherches portent sur la pensée ancienne, médiévale et renaissante, et principalement sur la Cosmologie. En 2015, il a été co-auteur, avec Gerardo Botteri, de l’ouvrage El sistema astrónomico de Aristóteles–Una interpretación (Buenos Aires, BNMM).

« Aristotle’s Cosmos — Its Main Features  » 

Lundi 8 novembre 2021, 11h30-12h20

La conférence aura lieu sur Zoom au lien suivant : 


Meeting ID: 875 2628 2550
Passcode: 054766


The Aristotelian universe is limited, heterogeneous and hierarchical. It is limited as enclosed in a sphere, heterogeneous because it has areas that are clearly distinguishable from each other, and hierarchical because the various spherical layers of the Whole (tò pân) enjoy gradually decreasing degrees of ontological plenitude. Thus, the sublunary area, realm of generation (génesis) and corruption (phthorá) of substances, is characterized by the concentricity with which the four elements (fire, air, water, earth) that compose it are arranged. The superlunary area, for its part, has maximum stability. In its domain nothing is corruptible, while the celestial bodies are composed of ether and surrounded by ether, a very subtle element of regular behaviour. Like in a perfect flow, the spherical celestial layers are in turn moved in circle, according to Aristotle, by intelligible unmoved movers (incorruptible, eternal, immaterial and divine-pure substances), a crucial point that deserves special attention to understand the metaphysical framework of Aristotle´s cosmology. The conference will present the main features of Aristotle´s cosmos, and explain the reasons why Aristotle posed fifty-five unmoved movers to grant the eternal equilibrium of the sublunary phýsis, that exhibits, in all its manifestations, a circular motion that mirrors the dominant eternal motion of heavens.

Vous trouverez ci-joint l’exemplier de Monsieur Casazza. 

Au plaisir de vous y voir, 

Institut d’études anciennes et médiévales

Partagez :
Philippe Girard

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